Entrepreneurship Runs In the Family
JON: "Offices are so sick of sandwiches. They're sick and tired of pizza. ... The office administrators and office managers have this pain because their office is pissed at them for making the same orders over and over again. So that's where I come in. I provide the service of recommendation. Look, I'm a foodie, I've tried this food personally. Order from me. If you don't like what you get, I'll fully refund you."ANDRES: "My angle is to potentially get acquired. But that being said, you have to really work hard and grind for it. ... The whole network I'm trying to create will allow these people to be connected with the best people. A-players dealing with A players. So if you're a food truck vendor and your truck breaks down, I will connected you with the best mechanic in Massachusetts because you're an FTS member."
On the third episode of the Moonlighters' Club, host Joel Edward and co-host Shaun Bedgood start the show talking about finding the limit to their money making endeavors, and what they won't do for an honest buck. We sat down with Andres Giraldo and Jon Huang, two food service professionals who are trying their hand at entrepreneurship and finding their way. After working 13+ hour days straight for weeks, Jon realized the lifestyle he was leading wasn't healthy. He started the Savory Cater, which brings the exotic to ordinary situations (like corporate lunches) by making recommendations to administrators planning office events. Having recently found success, Huang's local reputation has grown substantially. Growing up in Chelsea, Massachusetts, Andres Giraldo realized at an early age that some people are only concerned with their gains. Born to Columbian immigrants who worked around the clock to support him, he developed a solid work ethic by doing the dirty work in his dad's restaurant. He enrolled in suffolk University and started a company. Food Truck Stars helps food truck owners organized their orders and their overall professional lives - all through the use of a digital app Andres created. Jon and Andres discuss how looking at family situations differently can offer new ways of understanding, and generate new ideas.
The Savory Cater Food Truck Stars